Monday, September 10, 2007

Space.....Seattle 1960"s

here's a slice of forgotten americana that's just beginning to filter back in from the outer regions of the internet universe. Please enjoy.

Attilio Mineo Conducts
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Man in Space
with Sounds

Attilio 'Art' Mineo
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Label: Subliminal Sounds
Date Recorded: Early 50s,
Released: 1962

1. Welcome to Tomorrow

2. Gayway to Heaven

3. Soaring Science

4. Mile-A-Minute Monorail

5. Around the World

6. Century 21

7. Man in Art

8. The Queen City

9. Man Seeks the Future

10. Boeing Spacearium

11. Science of Tomorrow

12. Space Age World's Fair

13-24. All tracks as above, but without the spoken word introductions

Origin : 1962 Seattle World's Fair / 1997 Subliminal Sounds
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The music on 'Man In Space With Sounds' was played in the Bubbleator. "The bubbleator was Washington State's official exhibit in the Coliseum which housed a "World of Tomorrow" exhibit. The Bubbleator, a 150 passenger spherical clear plastic elevator moved 2.5 million people through displays that promised an easier life ahead. The operator wore a silver shiny space suit right out of a Buck Rogers comic strip and is veeery, very cool indeed and the music to "Man in Space with Sounds" was being played through the sound system. Totally outer space man, totally. "Visitors ascend to the exhibit in a globe-shaped elevator for a 21 minute tour of the future." Visitors to the Seattle World's Fair loved the Bubbleator ride, which was eventually purchased for $5,100 and relocated after the fair's end to the Center House/Food Circus/Armory. In the early 80's the Center House was remodeled and the Bubbleator was auctioned off (amount unknown). The unknown buyers moved it to their home in North Seattle and turned it into a terrarium and that's where it sits today."

as always, enjoy......


SOTISE said...
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SOTISE said...

nice blog tom ,thanks for all the great stuff.

hopefully you'll post here more often.
sfrp .. is no longer for me..
drop by sol sometime
ive linked you there hope thats ok

tom7865 said...

sotise- sorry haven't checked here in awhile- I do plan to post here more just been busy with family matters with no time to blog- just check by from time to time- thks for linking tom

Sagan said...

<3 thank you so much!!!!!!